Water and Sewer

Pullen to Bain 36-inch Reinforcing Main

Improvement project will replace aging materials to meet future infrastructure capacity demand.

NOTE: Design and construction phases have been pushed out due to budget planning.  A new project schedule will be created at that time.

Project impacts 11,700 feet of 36-inch water main transmission between the Pullen Park Pump Station and the E.B. Bain Pump Station. The proposed transmission main will allow the pumps at the Dempsey E. Benton Water Treatment Plant to fill the Chamberlin Tank in the event that water is unable to flow from the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant and reinforce the 595 pressure zone. The project will also provide the potential for extending the City’s reuse water system throughout the project corridor.

Project Details

Water and Sewer
Project Lead:
Raleigh Water
CJS Conveyance



Justin Biegler, PE.
Senior Engineer
Phone: 919-996-3486 
Office Location: 1 Exchange Plaza Suite 620
Raleigh, NC 27601

Lead Department:




This phase is complete.

Lead Department:


This phase is complete.

Lead Department:


This phase is complete.

Lead Department:


Design and public information efforts. The project will help ensure that the City is provided with a reliable source of clean drinking water in case there are failures in other areas of the water distribution system. The project will be coordinated with the Dorothy Dix Park Master Plan to ensure there are no conflicts and to provide water for planned facilities or existing Park facilities. 

Lead Department:

Right of Way Acquisition

Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:


Phase details coming soon.


The current 2016 Water System Master Plan identified a system vulnerability issue. The location of this issue is at the New Hope and Chamberlain Water Tanks in the 495-pressure zone. These tanks will not operate if the existing 48-inch transmission main from the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant in the 495-pressure zone went offline. The proposed 36-inch water transmission main will allow the 495-pressure zone pumps at the Dempsey E. Benton Water Treatment Plant to fill the Chamberlin Tank in the event water is unable to flow through the 48-inch transmission main from the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant. The project will also fortify the 595 pressure zone in the Raleigh western service area. Project route was evaluated and implemented. 


Date Activity
TBD Project Design Complete
TBD Permitting Complete
TBD Easement Acquisition Complete
TBD Project Bid Complete
TBD Project Construction Begins
TBD Project Construction Complete